Does CGPA Matter In Job Hiring?




Does CGPA Matter In Job Hiring?

Our culture values CGPAs highly, in accordance with existing social and cultural practices. Students are convinced that achieving a high CGPA is the only means by which they can get a good job. As a result, students focus on scoring high grades rather than investing time in developing the necessary life skills.

In academics, the CGPA is a measure of how well an individual performed. Historically, a poor CGPA can be attributed to less effort, whereas higher grades are generally related to greater effort. But, someone’s abilities are difficult to capture with CGPA. There is no way that ability could be substituted for effort. So, it will not surprise us to find many people who had difficulty academically but succeeding in their careers.

However, CGPA is often the most important factor when being considered for a job position. This doesn’t give the employer an analysis of the complete skills of applicants, but it does shorten the list of applicants. Very often, during job interviews, employers tend to value a candidate’s skills more than the grade if they meet the circular’s prerequisite with a low CGPA.

In today’s world, Employers and Corporations look for things other than the CGPA, like skills, qualities, and experience. That means that you might get a job offer based on your CGPA, but that doesn’t guarantee that you will get the job. Creative thinking, interpersonal skills, team spirit, decision-making abilities, and speaking and writing skills are among the other important factors that are more likely to be important than grades you received in college.

As the author of this article, I do not want to minimize the value of the CGPA. You deserve a lot of credit for your excellent CGPA. However, if your CGPA is low, don’t give up. As a young graduate, it is important for you to remember that there are other ways to succeed in your career.

To succeed in the real world, it is not enough to just focus on grades; you must also build relevant skills. CGPAs can predict success, but they are less important to employers than real-world experience. So, consider joining student clubs, attending events, participating in cultural activities, and volunteering during your academic career. These activities will provide you with real-world experience. You will learn the importance of working as a team, organizing yourself, managing others, taking timely and effective decisions, and most importantly, communicating with others. Having these experiences will make you a more appealing candidate to an employer.

It is true that your CGPA/grades are important, but they are not the only measure of your abilities. It is a set of soft skills, also called life skills, including self-awareness, problem-solving abilities, empathy, effective communication, critical thinking, and the ability to build interpersonal relationships that make you a valuable asset within an organization. The combination of a high CGPA and relevant life skills and experience is the complete package that employers search for during the hiring process. In a job search, remember that it isn’t about showing off your grades, but rather about displaying your skills.

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